Famicase 中文网
Karen Pinto (Kiwii) Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Once upon a time in a distant future, two little girls dreamed about becoming archaeologists after finding an old sequel of movies about a character who later became their childhood hero: Indiana Jones. Every day after school they imagined and created their own adventures, while they learnt about ancient and our modern history. Their final goal was to find the legacy us, the 21st century people and beyond, and our ancestors left. This was until they had to take different parts after graduating from elementary school due to family matters; however, as they grew up, they both managed to keep the dream alive until a fated encounter reunited them. As adults, Muse as an engineer and Kiwii as an historian, they decided to join forces once again with the sole purpose of making their dream come true. What kind of hardships and challenges are awaiting for them? What kind of legacy is awaiting for them to discover?
未来の考古学者 cover
未来の考古学者 logo
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